Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer Photos

I have been bugged, and bugged, and bugged to get my summer photos up. Well, since it's the end of summer I guess I'd better (or else Kimmie will send her evil twin after me - LOL)! As you can see from my previous post we did a lot of fun stuff this summer. These are just some of my favorite pics and activities:

The kids with my mom.

Bocce ball on the beach. Uncle Jim and I crushed the competition.

A rare shot of me at the pool.

Nick at the Baltimore Aquarium.

Boogie boarding and Mermaids by the sea.

Go Karts and Monopoly.

Fun with friends on Memorial Day Weekend.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures !!! said...

great pictures, love the boogy board photo.


Kimmie said...

i love these pics, that one of Nik with the penguin is beautiful!

Nicole said...

Great Photos Marti!!